ABC News October 12, 2014

Dogs Save Woman's Life After Near-Fatal Fall

WATCH: Dogs Help Keep Woman Alive After Fall

A Florida woman who suffered a near-fatal fall thanked two guardian angels, her dogs Higgins and Dodger, for saving her life.

Judy Muhe, 76, of Palmdale, Fla., broke her shoulder and bruised her head when she fell in her kitchen. Muhe, who lives by herself and has Parkinson's disease, could not get up on her own and drifted in and out of consciousness for two days.

Muhe told ABC News station KABC-TV that her two golden retrievers, 10-year-old Higgins and 4-year-old Dodger, kept her alive.

"They went for days without food and water. They stayed with me," Muhe said. "By keeping me warm, and keeping me comfortable, as they could, the main thing was they let me know that I was not alone."

Muhe was moved to tears as she recalled how her dogs lay by her side for two days.

"Dodger kept nuzzling me with his nose and he [the second dog] was laying beside me. I don't know what I would have done without them," she said, crying. "I'm sorry. I just love my dogs so much."

Kathy Jacobs, Muhe's friend, used a spare key to get into Muhe's home after no one had heard from her in two days.

"When I came in we found her right away on the floor. The dogs were right here with her," Jacobs said. "They actually ran to the door and then they ran back to where she was, like showing us she was there."

Lying on the floor for two days without food and water could have cost Muhe her life, Jacobs said.

"Because of her injuries and the time she spent laying on the floor and dehydrating, and being with her Parkinson's, we probably would have lost her," she said.

Muhe asked that everybody take good care of their pets, calling her own dogs "angels on four legs."

"My guardians ... I have no doubt they would do it again," she said.