ABC News March 26, 2015

Facebook Internet Drones Will Have Wingspan Greater Than a Boeing 737

WATCH: Facebook's Solar-Powered Drones Beam Down Web Access

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed today the company has completed its first test of an unmanned aircraft that could be used to bring Internet connectivity to the most remote parts of the world.

"Aircraft like these will help connect the whole world because they can affordably serve the 10 percent of the world's population that live in remote communities without existing internet infrastructure," Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page today.

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The unmanned aerial vehicle has already gone on one test flight in the United Kingdom, Zuckerberg said.

It's expected the final design will produce an airplane with the wingspan of a Boeing 737 but lighter than a car.

Running on solar power, Zuckerberg said it's expected the plane could fly at altitudes of more than 60,000 feet for months at a time.