ABC News December 19, 2013

Duck Dynasty Patriarch Suspended; Lex Luthor Casting Rumors


quicklist:1 title: Who Will Play Lex Luthor? text: Fanboys are getting all hot under their cowls, following a report in Variety that Joaquin Phoenix may be cast as arch-villain Lex Luthor in a hotly anticipated movie starring Superman and Batman.

The still untitled picture, starring Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman, is slated for a 2015 release.

Phoenix, who is generating Oscar buzz for his starring turn in the movie "Her," would not confirm the casting. media: 21274086

quicklist: 2 title: 'Duck Dynasty' Dude Gets Suspended text: Someone is in real ducking trouble.

Phil Robertson, bearded patriarch of the "Duck Dynasty" clan who made controversial comments equating homosexuality with bestiality in an interview with GQ magazine, has been suspended from the popular A&E reality show.

The network said it had suspended Robertson from shooting, adding in a statement, "We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ."

media: 21273924

quicklist:3 title: Shia LaBeouf in Hot Water text: Shia LaBeouf -- child star turned Hollywood bad boy turned admitted plagiarist -- could face legal action for ripping off the text of a graphic novel and using it without giving credit for the screenplay of a short film he directed.

A spokesman for author Daniel Clowes told The Associated Press that Clowes "is exploring his legal options."

Since posting the movie online (it includes word-for-word dialogue lifted from Clowes' comic "Justin M. Damiano)," LaBeouf has apologized repeatedly via Twitter for the obvious plagiarism. media: 21274542

quicklist: 4 title: Diamonds Discovered in Antarctica text: There's not just ice in Antarctica, there's "ice." Get it?

Scientists say they've found diamonds in Antarctica's frozen mountains, according to research published in Nature Communications.

International treaties, however, ban mining on the continent. media: 21274629

quicklist: 5 title: When's Christmas? text: When's Christmas, really?

For the two-thousand-and-thirteenth time, Christmas falls on Dec. 25. media: 21274885