ABC News February 2, 2016

Donald Trump Tweets About ‘Strong Second’ Place Finish in Iowa

WATCH: 2016 Iowa Caucuses: GOP Winners and Losers

Donald Trump tweeted for the first time today after the Iowa caucuses. Trump lost to Sen. Ted Cruz, who placed first in the caucuses with nearly 28 percent of the vote. Trump had 24 percent.

At a packed event in Des Moines, Iowa, on Monday night, Trump told the crowd that people had doubted his campaign in the beginning.

“On June 16th, when we started this journey, there were 17 candidates. I was told by everybody do not go to Iowa,” he said. “They said don’t give it a shot. I said I have to do it. And we finished second, and I have to tell you something, I am honored, I am just honored."

Trump, who spent months saying he wanted to win Iowa, congratulated Cruz last night, but this morning he had different words for the Texas senator.

Trump Said He Wanted to Win Iowa For Months, Not Place Second Iowa Caucuses: What the Results Mean for Trump and the Presidential Race Donald Trump 'Honored' By Iowa Finish Behind Cruz, Looks Forward to New Hampshire

On Twitter Trump criticized Cruz's speech as "far too long, rambling, over flamboyant" and called it Cruz's Howard Dean moment, referring to a raucous speech the Dem hopeful gave after the 2004 Iowa caucuses.

Cruz spoke for more than a half hour at his caucus rally, while (uncharacteristically) Trump spoke for about five minutes.