ABC News February 3, 2016

Donald Trump ‘Not Thrilled’ With 2nd Place in Iowa, but in for Long Run

WATCH: Donald Trump in the Race 'Long Term' After Loss in Iowa

Donald Trump is "not thrilled" with his second-place finish in Iowa but is looking ahead to New Hampshire, telling “Good Morning America” he's spending a lot of money in the state.

"I don't like second place. I'm not a fan of second place, but I did well," Trump said this morning.

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Opponent Ted Cruz finished with nearly 28 percent of the vote and Trump was behind with 24 percent.

"I'm not thrilled with second place," Trump admitted. "But I was told don't even go to Iowa, because I'm not going to win Iowa. And I thought it was something I should do and I went there and I almost won it."

Not a career politician, Trump lamented that his finish in second over the rest of the Republican field is not being praised as much as Sen. Marco Rubio placing third in Monday’s Iowa caucuses.

"I came in second and the person that came in third was praised as though he had a great victory but they didn't say that about me," Trump said, referring to Rubio.

Trump said Tuesday skipping the Fox News debate "might" have hurt him in Iowa, but now heading into New Hampshire, Trump thinks he doesn't have to make too many changes.

Trump, who has a lead in the New Hampshire polls, said on "Good Morning America" today he's spending a lot of money in that state to assure he wins and that his campaign is "long-term."

"I'm the only one self-funding and, honestly, I don't think I get very much credit for that," Trump said.