ABC News December 15, 2014

Donald Trump 'Very Strongly' Considering 2016 Presidential Bid

Darren McCollester/Getty Images
Donald Trump speaks at the Freedom Summit at The Executive Court Banquet Facility April 12, 2014 in Manchester, N.H.

Here we go again. In a Monday evening appearance at the Economic Club in Washington, D.C., Donald Trump seemingly did all but file the paperwork in announcing his intention to run for president in 2016.

“I am considering it very strongly,” Trump said near the beginning of his discussion with philanthropist David Rubenstein.

Rubenstein pressed Trump over a recent announcement that he will be heading to Iowa in late January to attend a dinner party with Gov. Terry Branstad.

“A lot of people think I’m having fun with it, that I’m playing games, that I enjoy the process. And I do enjoy the process to a certain extent,” Trump said. “Frankly I just think we need something very good, very fast or we’re going to be in very big trouble as a country.”

Trump cited the national debt as his primary motivation for throwing his hat in the ring, and connected his success in business dealings to his strength in handling the economy. He also remarked on last week’s release of the torture report by the Senate Intelligence Committee and its reported $40 million price tag.

“Do we have to announce the torture report?” Trump asked. “There are so many things that I see in this country, whether it’s common sense or whatever. And I have a really big voice. I have, you know, millions and millions of followers on Twitter and Facebook. And when I say something some people don’t like it, but most people do like it.”

Trump looked back on his most recent run at the presidency saying, “four years ago I was leading in the polls, I was beating everybody in the polls,” and said that if he were to make an announcement this time it would come in “March, April or May” of 2015.

“I would rather do what I’m doing than run for president,” Trump said. “But I also love the country more, and I just think that unless I see somebody that’s outstanding I would be very much be inclined to do it.”