ABC News November 5, 2015

Listen to Donald Trump's First Radio Ads of 2016 Presidential Campaign

WATCH: Donald Trump In A Minute

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump is releasing his first radio ads of the 2016 campaign.

"If the people of Iowa vote for me, you’ll never be disappointed," Trump says in an ad first played this morning on "Morning Joe" on MSNBC.

"My opponents have no experience in creating jobs or making deals," he says in the 60-second ad. "Obamacare is a total disaster. It will be repealed and replaced with something much better.”

The ads repeat several of Trump’s classic lines from the campaign trail. They will start airing today in early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. The buy is for $300,000.

"Donald Trump is running for president because politicians are all talk and no action," a woman's voice reads in a second ad.

The voice adds that Trump will "brutally and quickly cut off the head of ISIS" and "stop illegal immigration by building a wall on our southern border. And he will make Mexico pay for it."

ABC's John Santucci contributed to this report.