ABC News May 13, 2016

Donald Trump Refuses to Reveal His Tax Rate: 'It's None of Your Business'

WATCH: Donald Trump Addresses Not Releasing Tax Returns

The presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump continued to refuse to release his tax returns and today declined to reveal his tax rate.

Joining "Good Morning America" this morning, ABC News' George Stephanopoulos asked Trump what his tax rate is, and Trump simply replied, “It’s none of your business.”

“You'll see it when I release but I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible,” Trump said.

The billionaire also said he has no foreign bank accounts and emphasized he runs a “clean” business.

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"I don’t have Swiss bank accounts," he said. "I don’t have offshore accounts."

Trump went to say that he doesn’t not believe that voters have a right to see his tax returns before they vote, but that he would gladly made them public once the audit is over.

Stephanopoulos asked Trump: “Yes or no, do you believe voters have a right to see your tax returns before they make a final decision?”

“I don't think they do. But I do say this, I will really gladly give them,” Trump answered, adding he has no problem releasing him and he hopes it's before the election.

Trump also hit Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, calling her a “hypocrite.”

“I sort of have to laugh when Clinton says it, Mrs. Clinton said I should give my tax returns. What about all the e-mails or missing Goldman Sachs speeches?” Trump said.

Fresh off his meeting with House Republicans, Trump continued to say it was a good meeting -- his first with his party's elected leadership. "I think there’s certain things we can talk about I’m not totally inflexible on things but when it comes to borders we have to have strong borders, absolutely," he said.

Trump also weighed in on the Obama administration’s move today to issue guidance in the form of a letter to all U.S. public schools mandating they allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity.

“Well, I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the state should make the decision,” Trump said. “They're more capable of making the decision.”