ABC News October 31, 2015

Donald Trump Releases Plan to Reform Veterans Affairs

WATCH: Fiery Debate Fallout

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released his plan to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs, promising to fire all leadership and create a “seamless transition from service to civilian life” for veterans.

Speaking from the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Virginia, with veterans behind him, Trump outlined his plan, which would allow "all veterans eligible for VA health care can bring their veterans ID card to any doctor or facility that accepts Medicare to get the care they need immediately. Immediately,” Trump said. Trump says the jobs of VA executives will all be reviewed, adding, “they’re gone.”

The real estate mogul says his goal is to create more VA clinics across the country, specifically in rural areas. Trump’s hope is to provide better job training to returning service members and further reward employers with incentives for hiring vets.

He hopes the plan will decrease wait times for veterans seeking care.

"The power to choose will stop the wait time backlogs and force the VA to improve and compete if the department wants to keep receiving veterans’ healthcare dollars," Trump stated in his plan.

Another focus of the plan is care for female veterans, and ensuring that VA hospitals are equipped with OBGYN and other necessary health services.

On the campaign trail, Trump has promised to help veterans and cites his record of aiding a veterans group in his home state of New York.

“When we need help, really at the bottom of the barrel, I don’t know where we would be without him,” said Vincent McGowan, one of the leader’s of New York’s Vietnam Veterans Plaza, referring to Trump.

Trump will be off the campaign trail for most of the next week as he promotes his new book, “Crippled America,” which is being released Tuesday.