November 8, 2016

Donald Trump Jr. Says His Dad Will Bring the Country Together, Win or Lose

WATCH: Donald Trump Jr. Discusses His Father's Prospects of Winning the Election

Donald Trump Jr. said today his father will work to unite the country whether he wins or loses today's presidential election.

Trump, who said, "The last 18 months has been the longest 10 years of my life," stressed his father's ability to "bring people together," citing his willingness to campaign in the inner cities.

"It's been incredible to see people who have been disaffected by the political process," he told "Good Morning America" today.

He added that people frequently approach him on the campaign trail and offer words of encouragement. "It's moving," he said.

Trump stressed his father's status as an outsider and encouraged voters who felt disillusioned by elitism to vote him into office.

"I want everyone to turn out," he said. “Everyone who has been let down by the system."

The real estate mogul, however, faces an uphill climb to the White House, according to experts.

Prognosticator Nate Silver, who accurately predicted the winner in all 50 states in the 2012 presidential election, told "GMA" yesterday morning that Hillary Clinton is a "2 to 1 favorite" to win the presidency.

As of this morning, Donald Trump's odds of winning the presidency decreased from yesterday, according to Silver's model, dropping to less than a one-third chance.