September 6, 2016

Donald Trump Says He'll Release Full Medical Records

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In an exclusive interview Monday in Ohio, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told ABC News’ David Muir that he plans to release his full medical records.

The two major-party presidential candidates have not yet divulged their full medical records.

But Trump told Muir Monday that if Democratic rival Hillary Clinton wants to make her medical history public, he would do the same, “100 percent.”

“Why not go first?” Muir pressed.

Clinton Hits Back at Trump's Questions About Her Stamina What to Know About Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton’s Health

“I might do that. I might do that,” Trump answered. “In fact, now that you ask, I think I will do that.”

“I’d love to give full reports,” he said, adding that he believes the American people deserve to know more about his and Clinton’s medical histories.

“I’ve given a letter from a doctor — he’s actually a great doctor, but that’s OK — but he gave a very strong letter,” Trump said, referring to a one-page statement released by Dr. Harold Bornstein in December.

Trump went on to say he would “love to give specifics.”

Bornstein, Trump’s doctor since 1980, asserted in the December letter that Trump would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

In an interview with NBC last month, Bornstein acknowledged that he wrote the letter hastily but stood by his assessment of the 70-year-old Republican presidential candidate’s health.

Clinton released a two-page statement from her physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, in July 2015.

In the interview with Muir, Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, offered his own stamp of approval.

“I’ll tell you, this man is a few years older than me. I’m 57 years old,” Pence said. “I can’t hardly keep up with the man.”