ABC News May 3, 2016

Donald Trump Praises 'Tough, Smart' Ted Cruz After Senator Drops Out of Race

WATCH: Donald Trump Delivers Remarks Amid Projected Indiana Primary Victory

Donald Trump has formally turned his attention to November's general election after Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday night, following Trump's projected win in Indiana's primary.

Before even naming either Cruz or Ohio governor John Kasich -- who remains in the race -- in his post-primary win speech at Trump Tower in Manhattan, Trump took a shot at Hillary Clinton.

"We're going after Hillary Clinton," Trump said of the Democratic presidential front-runner. "She will not be a great president, she will not be a good president. She will be a poor president."

Indiana GOP Primary: Donald Trump Projected to Win LIVE: Indiana Republican Primary Exit Poll Analysis 4 Issues That Hurt Ted Cruz Ahead of the Suspension of His Campaign

He then spoke fondly about Cruz, who he regularly referred to as "Lyin' Ted" throughout the campaign.

"I've competed all my life...and I have to tell you, I have met some of the most incredible competitors that I have ever competed against right here in the Republican party," Trump said. "Ted Cruz, I don't know if he likes me or doesn't like me, but he is one hell of a competitor. He is a tough, smart guy. And he has got an amazing future."

Earlier Tuesday, Cruz called Trump "a pathological liar," among other insults.

Trump started out the speech by thanking Indiana for his win in the state tonight.

"The people of Indiana have been incredible," Trump said, calling his win in the Hoosier State a "tremendous victory."

"It really looks like a massive victory, and it looks like we win all 57 delegates," he said.

Trump's speech came shortly after Sen. Ted Cruz suspended his presidential campaign. Now Trump and Kasich are the only Republican candidates remaining.