ABC News September 10, 2015

Donald Trump Says Ben Carson Started Feud, 'I Like to Finish It'

WATCH: The Donald Trump, Ben Carson Feud

Donald Trump called into “The View” this morning, discussing a wide range of topics with the co-hosts.

Asked about Ben Carson’s questioning of Trump’s faith and whether the exchanges are now a full-on fight, the GOP presidential front-runner said, "He started it, so remember I like to finish it.”

The New York real estate mogul also continued his push against the White House-backed Iran deal. “Nuclear is nothing but trouble … it’s a great deal for Iran,” Trump said.

Ben Carson Attacks Donald Trump's Faith, Mogul Fires Back Donald Trump Finds Praise on Capitol Hill, but No GOP Endorsements

Asked about public money for Planned Parenthood, which he said he would defund because of the high rate of abortions he said they perform, co-host Joy Behar said Planned Parenthood does “abortions for 3 percent of the people who come to them. The rest is women's health. And that 3 percent is not federally funded. So nobody's tax money is used for abortions. If you defund Planned Parenthood, millions of women will not get health care. I think since you have shown to have a big heart for the Syrians, you might want to extend that to women in this country.”

Trump, however, said “the numbers are 55 percent and 60 percent and 65 percent of the money.”

Planned Parenthood and similar clinics provide many services besides abortions. In a statement last month, Planned Parenthood noted it provides 2.7 million men and women annually with birth control, cancer screenings, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, and well-woman exams. In 2011, backed up Planned Parenthood’s assertion that abortions represent 3 percent of its services.

Co-host Michelle Collins also asked Trump about Kanye West’s saying during the MTV Video Music Award’s that he would run for president in 2020.

"The thing I like most about Kanye West, he always speaks nicely about me. So I never hit anybody that frankly speaks nicely about me. I can't do that,” Trump said, to which Behar chimed in: "God help them if they do" attack him.