ABC News July 8, 2018

Divers came to 'risk their lives' to save boys, coach trapped in a Thailand cave

WATCH: Rescue in Thailand: Remaining boys, coach to be rescued in 10 to 20 hours

They came from all over the world, willing to risk their lives.

The international rescue effort to save a dozen teenage boys and their soccer coach has drawn dozens and dozens of the world’s most elite rescue divers –- 50 from foreign countries and 40 from within Thailand, each all too aware of the danger they could be facing.

The contingent of rescuers includes a team of Thai Navy SEALS, a highly-trained corps of emergency operatives willing to trade their lives for those of the trapped teenagers.

Jittrapon Kaicome/Polaris
Thai authorities race to save 12 boys and their soccer coach in the Tham Luang cave in Khun Nam Nang Non Forest Park on July 6, 2018 in Chiang Rai province, Thailand.

“SEALS are used to going in and risking their lives for others’ lives,” Don Mann, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, told ABC News.

The acronym stands for "Sea, Air and Land," representing the different environments in which SEALS are trained to operate.

“They do that all the time," Mann said. "That’s why they sign up. Even when they’re training they are risking their lives -– that’s how rigorous the training is.”

The divers were all drawn to northern Thailand to join the massive rescue operation to extract the Wild Boar teammates and their coach from Tham Luang Nang Non, the country's longest cave. They had been trapped in the mountainous cave in Chiang Rai province since June 23.

The Thai cave rescue -- even for the most highly-trained divers -- is daunting.

“Even if you’re a Navy SEAL diver, or a civilian diver and you go through rescue training, it doesn’t even scratch the surface of what they are trying to accomplish during this rescue," said Mann, author of “How to Become a Navy Seal: Everything You Need to Know To Become a Member of the US Navy’s Elite Force.”

Tyrone Siu/Reuters
Divers walk inside Tham Luang cave complex, where 12 schoolboys and their soccer coach are trapped inside a flooded cave, in the northern province of Chiang Rai, Thailand, July 7, 2018.

“These guys are highly-trained but these poor young kids -– what they have to do, to learn in a very short amount of time is to learn to swim and scuba dive," he said.

"And they’ll have two rescue divers along each side of each of the boys, but they’ll be swimming through tight, tight narrow spaces and black passageways that," he said, pausing to find the right word. "You get very claustrophobic.

"It’s a very terrible feeling,” he added.

Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters
Thai divers gather before they enter to the Tham Luang cave, where 12 boys and their soccer coach are trapped, in the northern province of Chiang Rai, Thailand, July 6, 2018.
(More: 4 boys safely pulled from Thai cave as second leg of rescue mission to begin in hours) (MORE: Teammates who didn't go on ill-fated hike into Thailand cave don't blame trapped soccer squad's coach)

The team rescued four of the boys Sunday, and were preparing for the second phase of the daring mission in several hours. Before the mission, some rescuers shared a photo on Facebook linking arms, with the message, "We, the Thai team and the international team, will bring the Wild Boars home," a reference to the soccer team's name.

Thailand Navy SEAL Facebook page via AP
This undated photo released via the Thailand Navy SEAL Facebook page on July 8, 2018, shows rescuers hands locked with a caption reading "We Thai and the international teams join forces to bring the young Wild Boars home" where 12 boys and their soccer coach have been trapped since June 23 in a cave in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai province, northern Thailand.

But the recent death of a former member of the Royal Thai Navy inside the cave who was working as a volunteer rescuer was an emotional blow to the operation.

Saman Gunan lost consciousness underwater during an overnight operation delivering extra air tanks inside the cave, along the treacherous route divers take to get to the trapped soccer team. He could not be revived and was confirmed dead early Friday morning.

Tham Luang Rescue Operation Center via AP
Rescue teams walk inside cave complex where 12 boys and their soccer coach went missing, in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai province, in northern Thailand, July 2, 2018.

Gunan, 38, formerly served in the Royal Thai Navy’s Underwater Demolition Assault Unit, colloquially known as the Thai Navy SEALs. His death marked the first fatality in the operation to rescue the group and underscored the dangers of navigating through the cave underwater, even for those who have experience.

Gunan's body was sent back to the naval base in Sattahib district, where the king of Thailand has ordered a funeral to be held with full honors, according to Thai officials.

Rescuers like Gunan are generally brave, selfless people to begin with, Mann said.

“They are people who have character,"he said, "who go in [to a rescue operation] with the notion that what they’re going to do is risk their lives to get to save others’ lives.”