ABC News October 23, 2015

Democrats Turn to Music to Rally Supporters Before Iowa 2016 Dinner

WATCH: Hillary Clinton Embraces Katy Perry After Campaign Rally Performance

It's a big weekend in Iowa for the Democratic Party, with the candidates for President addressing 6,000 influential Democrats Saturday night at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner -- and the campaigns hope it ends on a high note.

In an effort to rally supporters and energize volunteers for the final 100 days until the caucus, the candidates are turning to musical acts from a pop-music superstar to a former Governor with his guitar.

"Where else do you go and you’re walking down the street and say, oh, I could go and see Katy Perry in concert tonight and Bill Clinton. Let’s go do that," Iowa Democratic strategist Kevin Geiken told ABC News.

Every four years in Iowa, candidates open their Rolodex not just to raise money, but to give back to those who are making calls and canvassing 7-days a week around the state.

"This weekend will be a lot about politics, but we’re hoping to have some fun as well," said Clinton's Iowa Communications Director Lily Adams.

Clinton's rally will take place in a Des Moines parking lot Saturday afternoon and is free and open to the public. It will be the first time Katy Perry or former President Bill Clinton hits the campaign trail this year.

Bernie Sanders, who is trailing Clinton by seven points in the latest Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll, is also putting on a concert, but it will take place in Davenport, IA Friday evening and feature a number of musicians dubbed "Bernie's All-Star Band."

The musicians include Ryan Miller, the lead singer of the band Guster, along with eight other musicians for the #RockintheBern concert.

"Our all-star band idea is to have a few events outside of Des Moines so people can still be part of the weekend that wouldn’t have been able to afford it for family reasons or work reasons," Pete D'Alessandro told ABC News, the Iowa Campaign Coordinator for Sanders.

Although D'Alessandro says Sanders is always the draw at their events and is scheduled to speak for 15 minutes, he said this was their way of thanking supporters.

Trailing Clinton and Sanders in the polls, Martin O'Malley is also speaking at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner and happens to be the only Democratic Presidential candidate who is also a musician. He'll serenade supporters outside Hy-Vee Hall reprising his cover of Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" which he played on ABC's The View last week.

"Some local folks will join the Governor and play with him," said Kristin Sosanie, Iowa Deputy State Director for the O'Malley campaign. "Iowa isn’t only about big rallies and what celebrities you can bring in, it’s about the big ideas the Governor has put forward."

“It is kind of funny that the three rallies are kind of microcosms of their campaigns," said Geiken.

O'Malley brings his guitar to many of his events and performs so Saturday will be no different. On the Republican side, Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee plays bass and has performed at a few campaign events this year. He's also in a band called "Capitol Offense."

Dr. Andy McGuire, the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party, says the Jefferson Jackson Dinner is their last big event before the caucus. Although it's turned into a weekend celebration for the candidates to motivate their organization in the state, she says it's all about the main event Saturday night.

“If you’re going to win the caucuses and you’re going to win in November, these are the people you really need," said McGuire.