ABC News August 15, 2014

Everything We Know About Darren Wilson, the Officer Who Police Say Killed Michael Brown

Lucas Jackson/Reuters
Police officers stand by after the announcement of the name of the officer involved in the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 15, 2014.

Darren Wilson was identified today as the police officer who shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, but only a few personal details have been released.

Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson hailed Wilson as "an excellent officer" at an afternoon news conference today -- the second of the day -- and spoke briefly about his character.

"He was a gentleman. He was a quiet officer," Jackson said.

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Wilson is 28 years old and has worked as a police officer for the past six years, Jackson said, noting that Wilson has been working in Ferguson for four years and spent two years in a different part of Missouri. ABC News' calls to the first police department where he reportedly worked were not immediately returned.

Wilson does not have any prior disciplinary complaints, Jackson said.

Brown's shooting death on Aug. 9 has been "devastating" to Wilson, Jackson said.

"He never intended for this to happen," he said.