ABC News July 25, 2016

Cory Booker Gives Rousing DNC Speech: 'We Will Rise'

WATCH: Cory Booker Gives Rousing DNC Speech: 'We Will Rise'

Cory Booker's speech received some of the biggest cheers of the night at the Democratic National Convention Monday and prompted social media speculation that he may be hosting his own convention some day.

The New Jersey Senator repeated a refrain based off a famous Maya Angelou poem "Still I Rise" in repeatedly saying "America, we will rise!"

He also brought up his Jersey roots in an attack against Trump's business record and his casino troubles.

"Now, I take particular interest in the fact that Trump says he would run our country like he has run his businesses. Well, I’m from Jersey. I’m from the great Garden State, and we’ve seen the way he leads in Atlantic City. He got rich while his companies declared multiple bankruptcies," Booker said.

When his 20-minute speech wrapped up, much of the crowd was on its feet.

Booker's name was floated as a possible vice presidential candidate for Clinton and was a well-known surrogate for her both on the trail and in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention.

Now the success of his speech has viewers on social media looking to his political future.