ABC News September 1, 2011

Clinton Kelly's 6 Tips for a Stylish Bash Under $60


intro: "The Chew's" Clinton Kelly explains how to throw a beautiful party for 20 people for under $60. Take notes, these stylish and fun tips are sure to wow your guests.

quicklist: 1 category: title: Start With Entree: Chicken Thighs With Grilled Peaches and Arugula Salad url: text: Clinton will have some grilled chicken thighs on the grill that he will slice over grilled peaches and arugula salad sprinkled with Parmesan cheese with a homemade dressing made of things from your pantry like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper so we won't count that in the cost. Clinton will also demo grating the Parmesan cheese. media: caption: related:

quicklist: 2 category: title: The Perfect Dessert: Profiteroles url: text: For dessert we are having profiteroles with berries and whipped cream. Profiteroles can be made from items in your pantry like sugar, flour, eggs, butter, salt, you may have to run to the store for strawberries, which are in season, and heavy cream to make homemade whipped cream. media: caption: related: 14434174

quicklist: 3 category: title: Decoration, Decorations, Decorations url: text: You can make placemats out of butcher paper, and if you don't have butcher paper, you can also use old grocery bags if you have them lying around.

If there will be kids at the party, you can give them a party favor that also keeps them busy: crayons wrapped in twine?they can color the placemats. It's likely your kids have lots of crayons around the house, but if not it's back to school time so you'll likely find a lot of sales? can get a large pack pretty inexpensively.

To hold the placemats down you can use painted rocks?this is something you can do with rocks from your yard or driveway and leftover paint that's likely taking up space in your garage. You can get a can pretty inexpensively?you could even have the kids paint rocks with their craft paint as a family project before the party. media: caption: related:

quicklist: 4 category: title: High End Looking Floral Arrangements url: text: Just use two clear glass vases you probably have around the house with slices of citrus fruit you may have in the fridge but have maybe gone past being good to eat?oranges, limes, anchor your flowers. In this case we have sun flowers which are in season and readily available. media: caption: related:

quicklist: 5 category: title: Cake Stands Aren't Just For Cakes url: text: No cost here, use what you have, just throw your profiteroles in here, anything looks fancier when it's served on a cake stand. media: caption: related:

quicklist: 6 category: title: The Ultimate Refreshing Beverage: The Arnold Palmer. url: text: Make iced tea with tea bags you already have and add store bought lemonade frozen cans or powder..or if you're really crafty make your own with lemons.

So let's take a look at the grand total. The food and beverages total out to less than $40. The decorations are $15. Our exact total was $54.68.

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