ABC News November 5, 2015

Chris Christie Coaches Trump for Upcoming 'SNL' Appearance

WATCH: Chris Christie's 'SNL' Advice for Donald Trump

They may be fighting for the same job, but New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was quick to offer his best advice to Donald Trump in preparation of his upcoming "Saturday Night Live" appearance.

"Have fun," Christie said in an interview with ABC News' Jonathan Karl Thursday. "It’s a really good group of folks, it’s entertaining, and they make you comfortable."

Trump last hosted the show in 2004 during the first season of "The Apprentice." He hosts the comedy show this Saturday night.

Three weeks after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey in 2012, Christie was a guest on the show's Weekend Update segment, drawing laughs as he quoted "Saint" Bruce Springsteen and joked that the fleece he was seen wearing through the clean-up efforts was "basically fused" to his skin.

"At least the way they did it with me, they make you comfortable and I felt really free and easy that night to just have a good time and be funny," Christie said. "So I hope [Trump] does the same because if he does, he’ll have a good time."

Christie also commented on the controversy surrounding Trump's appearance, with more than 500,000 people signing a petition asking Trump to be "dumped" from the show over his comments about immigrants.

"They have to make their decisions and live with their decisions," Christie said of NBC. "They're all adults over there, they could do whatever they want. Doesn’t matter if Donald is on 'SNL,' good for him. If he has a good time, even better for him."

Christie and Trump aren't the only candidates in the current cycle who have past experience on the show. In 2008, Gov. Mike Huckabee appeared on Weekend Update and just a month ago Hillary Clinton appeared in a sketch with Kate McKinnon.

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