ABC News January 9, 2015

Paris Terror Attack Live Updates: Suspects Killed in Both Hostage Locations

Francois Nascimbeni/AFP/Getty Images
French National Police near Villers-Cotterets, north-east of Paris, where the two armed suspects in the attack on French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo were allegedly spotted, Jan. 8, 2015.

Two hostage stand offs in different towns outside of Paris have ended with police actions. The suspects in the both situations were killed, including the two gunmen believed to be responsible for the fatal attack on the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

The first hostage situation occurred in a printing factory and involved the Charlie Hebdo suspects.

French Terror Suspects Dead After Dramatic Standoffs

The second hostage situation started later, and it took hours to make a formal link between the two.

This is a breaking news story and the live blog below will be constantly updated with the latest information.

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