ABC News August 6, 2015

Carly Fiorina Briefly Overtakes Donald Trump On Google Search

WATCH: Republican Heavyweights and the GOP Debate Spotlight on Trump and Bush

It was a good night for presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.

Although she didn't qualify for Fox News' 9 p.m. debate, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO did manage to briefly surpass current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump in Google searches after the pre-debate forum, according to the Google Trends Twitter page.

Trump, who is currently leading the Republican pack in the polls, has dominated headlines in recent weeks, riling pundits with his comments about Mexican immigrants and taking shots at John McCain's war record.

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In fact, FOX News anchor Martha MacCallum this evening dubbed the Donald "the elephant not in the room."

Fiorina, who participated in tonight's pre-debate forum with seven other candidates who failed to qualify for the main debate, also outpaced all the Republicans with whom she shared the stage:

Rival pre-debate forum participant Sen. Lindsey Graham (R- S.C.) also saw a big spike in Google traffic, just moments after he mentioned his deceased mother and father.