ABC News May 2, 2016

British Man's 'Dads Don't Babysit' T-Shirt Sparks Conversation About Parental Equality

Courtesy of Al Ferguson
This photo of Al Ferguson went viral, sparking an online conversation about parental equality.

A British father's T-shirt with the words "Dads don't babysit. (It's called 'parenting')" emblazoned across it has sparked an online conversation about the perception of fathers.

Al Ferguson, of Kent, United Kingdom, told ABC News he's posted a photo of himself wearing the shirt several times on Facebook. But when he uploaded the same shot last week, it took off for some reason, earning thousands of likes and hundreds of comments.

The father of three is thrilled by the attention, since it's his personal mission to push back against negative stereotypes about dads on his website, The Dad Network.

"It's all about parental equality really," he explained. "I'm a really big advocate for moms and they're wonderful but I think dads get a raw deal. I just want us all to be perceived the same."

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Courtesy of Al Ferguson
British father of three Al Ferguson has sparked a conversation online about parental equality by wearing this T-shirt.

Ferguson, 28, said he's been victim to some parenting stereotypes. He recalled a time when he was with his children and someone assumed he was taking the day off from work.

"And I'm thinking, 'Well no, I'm a stay-at-home dad and I look after my family.' And it's the assumption that I'm looking to stop," he added.

Ferguson said he hopes the T-shirt, which was designed by the National At-Home Dad Network, is a fun and lighthearted way to change perceptions, especially since he considers being a father "an honor."

"The best thing is watching them grow and develop and change and become little people," he said, "and the best part is that you have influence over that."