ABC News February 3, 2016

Boy With Rare Disorder Raises Money for Sick Kids Instead of Seeking Birthday Gifts

WATCH: Boy With Rare Disease Raises Money for Sick Kids Instead of Seeking Birthday Gifts

A boy with a rare form of dwarfism is asking for donations for his local children's hospital rather than birthday gifts.

"I think this is just Brenden," dad Chris Baker of Abilene, Texas, told ABC News today. "This is just him doing what he does. He cares more about other people than he does himself. That’s what amazes me about this kid. He's got such a big heart. For most kids on their birthdays, they just want their presents. Not him. He's just different."

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Barker said Brenden, 13, was born with Desbuquois syndrome.

"He's 27-and-a-quarter inches long and he weighs 24 pounds," Baker said. "It’s a rare form of dwarfism and he's one of 34 in the world that’s got it. He knows he's short and really doesn’t care. He doesn’t let the world bother him at all. I've never seen him have a sad day in his life."

Courtesy Chris Baker
Brenden Baker, 13, of Avalon, Texas is raising money for his local children's hospital.

Baker said Brenden decided before his Dec. 31 birthday that he'd give up presents in lieu of donations to a children's hospital. He started the "Children Miracle Network Fundraiser" on GoFundMe, a crowdfunding site, after his grandfather gave him the idea.

"He wanted to help other kids," Baker said. "He's all on-board. We're shooting for $3,000 donation."

Brenden told ABC News that he would like to help the children at the hospital "feel better and give them toys" to make them happy.

Brenden has acquired some fame after a video of him dancing at a local theater event was circulated around the Internet, according to Barker.

Baker said he hopes Brenden's small group of online fans can help him reach his fundraising goal.