ABC News March 29, 2017

Bob Dylan to collect his Nobel Prize in Stockholm

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Bob Dylan will accept his Nobel Prize in Literature this weekend, according to Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy.

Danius announced in a blog post that Dylan will meet with academy officials when he visits Stockholm "in a few days" to play two previously announced concerts on Saturday and Sunday.

The Swedish Academy awarded him the honor last October.

"The Swedish Academy is very much looking forward to the weekend and will show up at one of the performances," Danius wrote. "The Academy will then hand over Dylan's Nobel diploma and the Nobel medal, and congratulate him on the Nobel Prize in Literature. The setting will be small and intimate, and no media will be present; only Bob Dylan and members of the Academy will attend, all according to Dylan's wishes."

7 revelations from a rare Bob Dylan interview Read Bob Dylan's entire Nobel Prize acceptance speech

It took a few weeks before Dylan, 75, even formally acknowledged his Nobel selection last year. He then skipped December's formal ceremony, citing prior commitments. The Swedish ambassador, Azita Raji, stood in for him, and Patti Smith performed Dylan's "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall."

However, in order to collect the $870,000 in prize money that comes with the honor, he's required to deliver a lecture within six months of his win.

"Please note that no Nobel Lecture will be held," wrote Danius. "The Academy has reason to believe that a taped version will be sent at a later point."