ABC News December 26, 2014

Blind Dog Survives 15-Story Fall With Big Splash

WATCH: Dog Survives 15-Story Condo Fall With Big Splash

A blind dog survived a fall from the balcony outside his owner's California condo -- falling 15 stories and landing in hot water at the same time.

The Sacramento Bee reported that the 13-year-old Boston terrier, whose name is Sam, was dog-paddling in the hot tub this past Monday when workers went to investigate the cause of a giant splash they'd heard.

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The dog suffered five broken ribs and several fractures to his pelvis in the plunge. He is currently recovering at an animal hospital.

Sam's owner, Bill McCourt, told the newspaper, “Whenever I tell someone what happened, they keep saying, 'The 15th floor? Are you sure it was the 15th floor?' because no one can believe it. They’re completely amazed. I just want to get him home. He’s a huge part of my family."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.