ABC News July 20, 2015

Bill Cosby Details His Extramarital Affairs in Deposition

WATCH: Bill Cosby Talks About Extramarital Affairs, Drugs in Deposition

Bill Cosby detailed his extensive extramarital affairs in a full deposition from a 2005 civil case in which he spoke in a first-person narrative about a rendezvous that he said sometimes danced on the line between "permission and rejection."

Documents obtained by ABC News show Cosby admitted in his Philadelphia home to encounters with the civil case accuser, Andrea Constand, as well as with other women including Beth Ferrier and Theresa Serignese. He said he acted as mentor toward some of the women and at least five encounters are described in the paperwork.

At the time of his encounter with Constand, a former Temple University employee who claimed Cosby drugged and assaulted her, Cosby said he gave her Benadryl for "stress and tension," that she took them willingly, and that, "I don't hear her say anything. I don’t feel her say anything. And so I continue and I go into the area that is somewhere between permission and rejection. I am not stopped."

Cosby denied in the documents that he'd given drugs to anyone without their consent or sexually assaulted the women he said he had affairs with, and Cosby has never formally been charged with sexual assault. He settled out of court with Constand in the mid-2000s. A source close to the comedian told ABC News that he settled to avoid embarrassment for himself and his family.

Read: Bill Cosby Paid to Keep Affair Secret: Deposition Related: Cosby Detailed His Womanizing, Secrecy Efforts a Decade Ago

In the deposition, he said he did not have sexual intercourse with Constand because he did not want her to develop stronger feelings for him, adding that after some sexual contact she stopped him in a way that was not an "angry stop."

“I walk her out. She does not look angry. She does not say to me, 'Don’t ever do that again,'" Cosby said, adding that he is a good reader of people and whether or not they are upset with him.

He said he and Constand were just, "Playing sex, we’re playing, petting, we’re playing."

In the case of Serignese, Cosby said, "We had sexual encounters and I believe she met me at different places and she slept in the same bed with me, and we had sex."

The 78-year-old said he gave her money, as previously reported, along with the money he gave to Constand, and he told his wife he just wanted to help the women out financially. Cosby paid Serignese $5,000 through an agent, in addition to $5,000 he gave her previously, according to the 2005 court documents.

Cosby admitted in the deposition to providing Serignese quaaludes before having sex with her, and said she took them knowing what they were.

He denied drugging Ferrier, saying the two had a consensual affair. Their relationship consisted of "dinners and sex" for about six months before he broke it off, even sending her packing to a hotel during one meeting in New York, he said.

Cosby also admitted to relationships with other women, including Shawn Thompson and Paige Young.

As for the types of women and models that would be sent to see Cosby, often on the set of "The Cosby Show," Cosby said, they were the ones who "weren’t doing as well as they thought they would.”

There were some women named in the full deposition, almost 1,000 pages first obtained by the New York Times, that Cosby denied having affairs with.

One of Cosby's lawyers, Patrick O'Connor, told The Philadelphia Inquirer that the transcript of the deposition was one-sided because Constand's deposition remained sealed.

"How that deposition became public without being court-sanctioned is something we are going to pursue and deal with very vigorously," he told the paper.

The attorney representing Constand had no comment to ABC News on the release of Cosby’s deposition, citing a confidentiality agreement from the case that was settled about a decade ago.