ABC News September 10, 2015

Ben Carson Attacks Donald Trump's Faith, Mogul Fires Back

WATCH: The Donald Trump, Ben Carson Feud

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says opponent Ben Carson “makes [Jeb] Bush look like the energizer bunny.”

The Trump attack comes after Carson took a swing at Trump on faith on Wednesday night, saying, “I’ve realized where my success has come from and I don’t in any way deny my faith in God. And I think that is the big difference,” he told reporters in response to a question asking him to differentiate between the two of them.

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Carson, 63, said he doesn’t get the impression that faith is a big part of Trump’s life. “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life and that’s a very big part of who I am. I don’t get that impression, maybe I’m wrong but I don’t get that,” Carson said before his rally in Anaheim, California.

Trump, 69, who has mocked Bush as a cure for insomnia, fired back on Twitter Wednesday night: “Wow, I am ahead of the field with Evangelicals (am so proud of this) and virtually every other group, and Ben Carson just took a swipe at me.”

On CNN’s "New Day," Trump ripped into Carson, calling the retired neurosurgeon, who is credited with performing the first successful separation of conjoined twins, an “OK doctor."

"If you look at his past, which I've done, he was not a big man of faith," Trump said. "All of a sudden he's become this man of faith."

Trump leads Carson in a new CNN-ORC Poll released this morning with 32 percent, with Carson in second place with 19 percent.

“Ben Carson," Trump said," is not going to be your next president."