ABC News June 3, 2021

Asian American and Pacific Islander hate: Graphic breaks down incidents and victims

WATCH: Anti-Asian xenophobia rises amid pandemic

The U.S. has seen a disturbing surge in hate incidents against the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, with a total of 6,603 incidents reported from March 2020 to March 2021, according to data gathered by the group Stop AAPI Hate.

Stop AAPI Hate, which formed in response to the uptick in anti-Asian xenophobia linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, noted the number of reports significantly rose in March 2021 amid increased national attention on anti-Asian attacks.

MORE: Asian hate incident data shows discrimination skyrocketing in pandemic: Report

Of all reported incidents, 4,193 occurred in 2020 and 2,410 came in 2021.

Verbal harassment accounted for a majority of hate incidents at 65.2%. Civil rights violations -- meaning workplace discrimination, refusal of service or being barred from transportation -- accounted for 10.3% of total incidents, per the report.

Women were more than twice as likely to be targeted than men, the report found.

Stop AAPI Hate
A look at Anti-Asian hate incidents in the U.S.