ABC News February 9, 2015

Amazing Video Shows Plane Narrowly Missing Skydivers in Mid-Air

WATCH: Amazing Video Shows Skydivers' Near-Collision With Plane

Incredible video appears to show a plane narrowly missing two skydivers in mid-air who had jumped from the plane seconds earlier.

The plane can be seen taking a nosedive, pointed directly at the ground, and too close to the skydivers for comfort.

Skydiving instructor Forest Pullman participated in the tandem jump with a female skydiver, which occurred in October in Thailand. It was uneventful at the onset. The woman even gave a “thumbs up” sign after the pair jumped from the plane.

But the sound of the propeller can be heard soon after. A camera mounted for the jump spun around as the plane approached, inches away from the pair, their parachute snagged by the plane’s wing.

But the parachute came free, and the pair was unharmed. They made a clean landing and celebrated with a high-five and a hug.

The skydiving company involved with the jump has not responded to ABC News’ request for comment.

Pullman posted the video on YouTube Friday after realizing the rarity of such an incident. The video has been viewed more than 375,000 times.

“How we got so lucky?!?! Not sure,” he wrote.