ABC News July 22, 2019

2020 presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on The View: The president is 'inciting racism'

WATCH: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Trump is 'inciting racism and bigotry' for 'political gain'

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Gabbard appeared on The View Monday and once again came to the defense of "The Squad", calling out President Donald Trump for his remarks that four of her fellow female colleagues of color in the House should "go back" to where they came from.

"The president is inciting racism and violence in our country as a whole, this is what's so dangerous about what he's doing. He's using his platform to incite this racism and bigotry," she told the hosts adding. "When President Trump says he's saying love it or leave it, right, what he's really saying is, love me or leave, he's making it about himself. Saying that he you disagree with Trump, you disagree with his views, then you should leave, then you don't belong here. "

Gabbard added "I think that's really what's so dangerous, is he is seeing himself as America rather than recognizing the fundamental values of our country are based on our freedom of speech."

Last week, she told ABC News' Senior Washington Reporter Devin Dwyer that Trump's remarks had what she described as devastating consequences.

Over the weekend Gabbard traveled to Puerto Rico to show solidarity with protesters calling for the resignation of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló following a series of scandals including the leak of controversial group chats involving the Governor and several of his top advisers and cabinet officials.

On Friday, the Hawaii Congresswoman was the first politician to travel to Puerto Rico in support of protests. While there, Gabbard called on her fellow 2020 contenders to travel to the island to support protesters calling for the resignation of Rosselló.

(MORE: Julian Castro, Tulsi Gabbard among US pols calling on Puerto Rico governor Ricardo Rossello to resign)

On The View, Gabbard the protests are about "more than these leaked chats. It's really this long standing corruption that people have been suffering under. And that really came to light in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria."

Tulsi Gabbard appeared on "The View," July 22, 2019.

On Sunday, Rosselló said in a Facebook Live video, "I will not seek reelection as governor next year. Additionally, I am resigning as president of the New Progressive Party."

(MORE: Amid protests, Puerto Rico governor says he will not resign)

Gabbard however in series of tweets called for the resignation of Rosselló. In a video she said, "whichever one of us is elected will be the leader of the Democratic Party."

She added, "it's important for us to let Democrats know to let all Americans know that we will stand up against corruption and for the people even when that corruption is within our own ranks."

On Monday, Gabbard said protesters told her they are motivated to because they feel that this effort "is between life and death. Seeing their loved ones struggle and suffer because they couldn't get clean water, after the hurricane for months. They couldn't get electricity. So this is a breaking point. And I don't think they're going to back down until he resigns, which is the right thing."

Later, Gabbard told ABC News, "I think it's unacceptable. You know, the governor saying that he's not going to resign, but he'll serve out the rest of his term when he clearly sees There's no way he could win reelection. Even if he tries shows he's not really giving anything up. He's not listening to the voices of the people who have now for over a week, been outside his doorstep."

During her own recent appearance on The View, Sen. Kamala Harris doubled down on her criticisms of former Vice President Joe Biden's positions on busing of minority students to predominantly white schools in districts – a move born out of efforts to address the impact of segregation – saying she had no intention of attacking her 2020 presidential rival but felt compelled to point out the facts.

"But I am going to point out our differences of opinion on a very critical moment in the history of the United States. 1954, the United States Supreme Court unanimously decided Brown v Board of Education, because there were segregationists in the history of our country, including the members of the United States Senate, who lived their career and their reputations on the basis of ensuring that the races would not be educated together...And... they worked on an issue that directly impacted me, which is this issue of busing."

Co-Host Meghan McCain quoted Gabbard saying she denounced Harris' attack as "political ploy" and that her position on busing doesn't seem all that different from Biden.

Harris responded "Listen this is a presidential race ...we're on a debate stage and if you have not prepared and you're not ready for someone to point out a difference of opinion....then you're probably not ready."

During the upcoming debate in Detroit, Gabbard will be joined on stage by both Biden and Harris during the second night.

McCain asked Gabbard, if she would "continue to call it for what it is."

Gabbard said she would do so adding " I think that voters across this country deserve to see the contrasting positions that we have amongst our candidates in the Democratic primary. But, you know, attacks just for the sake– personal attacks, attacks just for the sake of trying to push yourself forward in the campaign, I think are underhanded."

Co-Host Joy Behar asked "is that what you think Kamala did?"

Gabbard responded "I do I mean, really, when it came out her position was the same as what Biden is saying his position is."

Gabbard also says she hopes to use her time on the stage to discuss " most important responsibility the president has is commander in chief."

ABC News' Zohreen Shah and Justin Gomez contributed to this story.