ABC News December 2, 2015

San Bernardino Shooting Prompts Responses From Presidential Candidates

WATCH: San Bernardino Shooting: At least 14 Dead, 17 Injured

Amid reports that at least 14 people were killed and 14 injured in a shooting today in San Bernardino, California, some presidential candidates offered their prayers and thoughts for victims of the attack. Other Democratic candidates called for action to stop gun violence.

Reports of Up to 12 Dead in San Bernardino, Calif., Shooting, Official Sources Say Shooting: Witness Texted Husband ‘I love You’ During Gunfire Obama Says Pattern of US Mass Shootings Has 'No Parallel' After San Bernardino

Democratic hopeful Martin O’Malley was among the first to react to the situation on Twitter.

As the shooting was unfolding, Hillary Clinton was speaking to a crowd in Orlando about gun control.

“I’ll tell you what it also means standing up to the gun lobby. The gun lobby,” Clinton said. “It is time for us to say we are going to have comprehensive background checks, we are going to close the gun show loopholes. We are going to close the online gun loophole, we are going to close the Charleston loophole, and the immunity for the gun makers and sellers.”

The Democratic hopeful then took her reaction to Twitter.

U.S. Rep. Pete Aguilar, the congressional representative for San Bernardino County, and California Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer also responded on Twitter:

Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who served during the fatal Sandy Hook shooting, also reacted to the shooting.