ABC News May 12, 2015

102-Year-Old Grandma Gives Family Hilarious Surprise at Her Own Birthday Party

Courtesy Camille Addario
Louise Bonito, 102, pictured with four of her grandchildren.

Louise Bonito, 102, gave her family quite the laugh on Mother's Day when she blew out more than candles while celebrating her belated April 26 birthday.

"It happened on Sunday at my grandmother's house," said Bonito's granddaughter, Lisa Addario. "It was her 102nd birthday the last week in April so since we were all in town we got together and celebrated.

"We were just singing 'happy birthday' and we were all gathered around," she said. "She blew out the candles and her teeth just flew out!"

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Bonito told ABC News that she was also surprised to see her own dentures land on the table in front of her family, who caught the whole thing on video.

"I was sitting down and my daughter brought in a cake with a 1-0-2 on it," said Bonito of North Haven, Connecticut. "She said, 'OK mom, you have to blow out the candles.'

"I took a deep, deep, breath and with all my might I blew out the candles and then my teeth came out," Bonito said, with a laugh. "Well my grandchildren went crazy laughing, and laughing."

Among 10 of their family members, Addario filmed her grandmother's mishap and posted it to Instagram. The video has since been circling around the Web and has racked up thousands of views.

"We were all laughing for at least a good hour afterwards," Addario said. "She told us, 'Well I didn’t feel like putting in that glue that they tell you to put on.'

"I've met people who are 80 that act older than she is. She does everything. She cooks every meal. She made two trays of lasagna for 20 people by herself. She's incredible.

While some might have felt embarrassed by losing their teeth in public, Bonito said she was happy to have given her loved ones "a good laugh."

"What can I tell you about my family? I have five children - four boys and one girl. I have 12 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren, which thank God they come and I'm in close contact with all of them. There's a lot of love here. I always say 'I've been blessed.'

"There's so many problems in this life and I'm so glad that with this there can be laughter."