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Living September 27, 2024

Woman going for run gets hilariously interrupted by neighbor

WATCH: Heartwarming video of a neighbor checking on a woman during her run is going viral

When a Texas woman went for a run outside her home, a friend and neighbor hilariously ran toward her to check in, thinking she might be in some kind of danger.

The funny exchange between Anna Boswell and Stanley Golden was caught on Boswell's home security camera in Van Alstyne, Texas. Boswell later shared the clip on TikTok, where it has quickly gone viral with over 11 million views since Sept. 13.

"CACKLING ☠️ Protect my neighbor at all costs. He had no idea what I was running from but he was READY to help!" Boswell captioned the video.

Courtesy Anna Boswell
PHOTO: Anna Boswell shared a TikTok video of Stanley Golden, her former neighbor, checking in on her before she went on a run earlier this September.
Anna Boswell shared a TikTok video of Stanley Golden, her former neighbor, checking in on her before she went on a run earlier this September.

Boswell told "Good Morning America" she recently started running five times a week in preparation to run a half marathon in December, a departure from her usual schedule as a mom of two young children.

"My youngest recently turned 1 and I was like, 'Let's get back in it.' And because I have no chill, I was like, 'Let's run a half marathon,'" Boswell explained. "That's how it all kind of started."

When Golden noticed her, Boswell said she was heading out for an evening run.

"Are you OK? Everything OK?" Golden asks Boswell in the security camera footage.

"Yeah! Just going on a run," Boswell replies.

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Boswell, 34, said the exchange captured Golden's caring personality.

Courtesy Anna Boswell
Boswell and Stanley Golden are former neighbors and friends in the Van Alstyne, Texas area.

Golden, 37, told "GMA" he was playing basketball outside at the time when he saw Boswell run away from her home.

"I didn't know if she was in immediate danger, whatever the case may be," Golden said. "I immediately stopped what I was doing and I took off running to engage with her, to make sure that she was OK, because I hadn't seen that routine."

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Boswell went on to describe Golden as "America's sweetheart."

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"He is just genuine and was looking out for friends and family, and we're lucky to have him as a neighbor," she said. "I think that the world would be a better place with more Stanleys."