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Living November 5, 2019

This dancing priest busts a move at a school pep rally in viral video

WATCH: Dancing priest busts a move at school pep rally in viral video

This dancing priest from Florida is giving the internet a spiritual awakening in a now viral video from a high school pep rally.

Father Ricardo Rivera, a senior theology teacher and recently ordained priest from Cardinal Gibbons Catholic High School in Ft. Lauderdale, shocked the crowd with his borderline divine dance moves at the school’s homecoming pep rally last month.

In the video from Oct. 25, Father Rivera walks up to the school’s dance team during a performance at the rally and joins in the routine. Without missing a beat, Father Rivera was a delight to the students and fans in the stands based on the audible screams.

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The school told "Good Morning America" that the priest had only attended one rehearsal for 15 minutes with the team to practice the walk on, but he learned the choreography on his own by watching a video.

Adding to the surprise, neither the dance team nor the school knew that Father Rivera was going to dance at the rally.

The video, posted October 26, has almost 25,000 views on the school’s Twitter account.