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Style February 21, 2019

People are sharing glasses selfies after congresswoman sported her glasses for the 1st time

WATCH: Ayanna Pressley: 'We are at a crossroads'

An act of necessity by a high-profile new female member of Congress has turned into an inspirational moment for women.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley, who in 2018 became the first African-American woman to represent Massachusetts in Congress, posted on Twitter that she ran out of contact lenses so she had to wear glasses.

The Democrat said she's had glasses since the second grade but she “never, ever” wears them in public.

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She posted a selfie with her glasses after a request from a mom who said her 9-year-old daughter “hates her new glasses,” according to Pressley.

Pressley tagged some of her female colleagues who also wear glasses and were part of the wave of women elected to Congress in 2018.

"You look fab!" replied Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

The simple selfie led to an outpouring of support.

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Women replied to her tweet with their own selfies showing their glasses. The photos were accompanied by comments like "smart girls wear glasses, "representation matters" and "Congressional girls that wear glasses are undefeated."