

Funniest kid quips of the week

Girl with 3-D printed hand achieves her dream to throw the 1st pitch at all 30 MLB ballparks

Novant Health

For moms-to-be in Hurricane Florence's path, keeping calm in the storm carries new meaning


Little boy's hilarious take on making friends is all of us

Star Balloon-Bradley/Facebook

Stranger rocks adorable little boy to sleep and...we're not crying! You're crying!

Courtesy Chris Brown

Momtroversy: Should dads 'comfort nurse' their babies?

Destini Jackson

This spunky 3-year-old won't let her condition stop her from spreading smiles


Viral video of grandma reading 'The Wonky Donkey' to grandson and laughing hysterically sparks book sales

Jalynne Crawford

Twin sisters give birth to sons on same day in same hospital

Alexis Berg/AFP/Getty Images

Supermom stops running during a 106-mile race to breastfeed her son