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VIDEO: Proud toddler enthusiastically herds flock of sheep

Proud toddler enthusiastically herds flock of sheep

VIDEO: This toddler's wintertime vibe is sending us

This toddler's wintertime vibe is sending us

VIDEO: 7-year-old battling three rare conditions still finds ways to smile

7-year-old fighting multiple health conditions brings smiles to millions on TikTok


Texas family builds their very own ice rink during the winter storm

101-year-old grocery store employee honored with a grant in her name

Courtesy Nicole Walters

Why Nicole Walters quit her job, started a business and adopted 3 young sisters

Akron Children’s Hospital

Emotional video shows 2-year-old walking again after being paralyzed

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

No devices in bedrooms and 8 more tips for keeping kids safe from online predators

AFP via Getty Images

Parents are holding kids back in school amid COVID-19: How to help them catch up


4-year-old girl helping her dad shovel the snow is the best helper