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Family August 5, 2019

6-year-old's anti-bullying shirt is a lesson to us all

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Sometimes it's the smallest gestures -- and the smallest people -- who can make a huge difference in someone's life.

One little boy's simple idea for a t-shirt is catching fire, and now hundreds more people are looking for one just like it.

When Nikki Rajahn told her son Blake, 6, she would make any design he wanted on a t-shirt for the new school year, she thought he might pick basketball or football.

"He thought a while and said 'I want a shirt that says 'I will be your friend' because I want anyone who has someone being mean to them or doesn't have any friends to know they have a friend already,"' Rajahn told "Good Morning America."

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His mom said he chose the colors to be bright and easy for people to see.

The Fayetteville, Georgia, mom of four said orders are coming in for the shirt. "At the moment, my business (Unfading Adornments) is only me with a Cricut and a heat press, so I am asking that people have patience with me as there is a wonderful large response to others supporting Blake in this," she said. Rajahn just recently started the business.

She's currently building a website so she can take more orders right away.

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A portion of each sale goes to The Real Life Center, a place close to Blake's heart.

"At vacation Bible school this summer they had a toothbrush and toothpaste drive for The Real Life Center, that helps individuals and families in crisis get back on their feet with supplies and training for the long term. As soon as he found out about the drive, he told us we had to go to the store to hurry up and buy some toothbrushes and toothpaste." Blake used all his money -- $20 -- to buy the supplies.

"My hope for the post is for everyone to know that no matter their age, you can always have compassion and love for others," Rajahn said.