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Family February 19, 2019

This mom used pizza to mark her baby's monthly milestones and it's Pinterest perfect

WATCH: Genius mom uses pizza to mark her baby's monthly growth

A genius mom incorporated pizza into her baby's monthly milestone pics and we're totally stealing her idea.

Dani Giannandrea, a Maryland-based photographer and mom of two, ditched the felt letter board and opted for her family's favorite dish instead. She snapped pictures of her son Lorenzo Giannandrea and used slices of pizza to show her son aging from a month old to 12.

The photos received a lot of love on social media.

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Dani Leigh Photography
PHOTO: Photographer Dani Giannandrea wanted to get creative by using one pizza slice a month to signify her son's milestones of becoming one month older.
Photographer Dani Giannandrea wanted to get creative by using one pizza slice a month to signify her son's milestones of becoming one month older.

"His grandma said that I have to do something as an ode to his name and his Italian heritage, and I totally agreed," Giannandrea told "Good Morning America."

Dani Leigh Photography
Dani Giannandrea, a mom of two from Frederick, Md., used pizza slices to mark her baby Lorenzo Giannandrea's monthly milestones.

"I said, "If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right and where we can get dinner out of it every month," she added. "We have pizza more than once a month."

Giannandrea used white pizza, meat lovers pizza, pineapple pizza and pesto pizza in her shots.

Dani Leigh Photography
Photographer Dani Giannandrea of Frederick, Md., poses for a photo with her husband, Frank Giannandrea, son Lorenzo, 1, and son Charlie, 3.

She posted them on Instagram and Facebook where they were shared by thousands of people.

If you want to copy her idea, Giannandrea said to be sure to "invest in a good pizza cutter."