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Family June 12, 2018

‘Please hide packages from husband’: Amazon delivery guy goes the extra mile

WATCH: 'Please hide packages from husband': Amazon delivery guy goes the extra mile

You've done too much online ordering. You know it's gotten out of hand, but you can't stop. You leave work early just to hide packages from your significant other.

Sound familiar?

One Haslet, Texas woman, had found the ultimate co-conspirator -- the man who delivers her Amazon packages.

Vanessa O'Shea purchased a mat that said, "Please hide packages from husband."

Cute right? But really, if you could hide the packages from my husband? That would be great thanks.

Gilberto Montanez saw her mat and did just that. "I took the reasonable request seriously: To hide the packages from the husband," he told "Good Morning America."

Why can't he be our delivery guy too?

Montanez, who works for a company called Colonial Logistics and has been a contract driver for Amazon since January, said, "I have never seen a mat like that one."

The video has now been viewed millions of times. But O'Shea and her husband first spied it as it actually happened.

"We were out at dinner when he got a notification on his phone from our ring doorbell that somebody was at our front door. So we just tuned in and watched," O'Shea told GMA. "When we saw it we got a good laugh and couldn’t believe he actually tried to hide it."

After the video started being shared far and wide, Montanez and O'Shea -- and her husband -- had an in-person meeting. "I had to meet him," O'Shea said. "One, to apologize for his face being all over the internet. And two, to thank him for his attention to detail. Everyone wants him as their delivery guy."