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Family March 19, 2018

Funniest kid quips of the week

Little Hoots
PHOTO: Little Hoots names the "hoots of the week."
Little Hoots names the "hoots of the week."

Kids say the darndest -- and funniest -- things. If only there was a place to keep track of it all.

The Little Hoots app does just that. The company takes the funny, sweet, amazing, clever things your little one says and turns them into a pretty keepsake so you never forget these precious moments.

Little Hoots has shared its hoots of the week with "Good Morning America." If you'd like to see your child's quote here, submit it to Little Hoots. If it's chosen as a hoot of the week, we'll feature it.

Little Hoots
PHOTO: Little Hoots names the "hoots of the week."
Little Hoots names the "hoots of the week."
Little Hoots
PHOTO: Little Hoots shared with 'GMA' the "hoots of the week."
Little Hoots shared with 'GMA' the "hoots of the week."
Little Hoots
Little Hoots is an app that lets parents capture the cute things kids say.
Little Hoots
Little Hoots shared with 'GMA' the "hoots of the week.
Little Hoots
Kids say the funniest things.