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Family October 14, 2019

College football player reveals jersey with new last name for stepdad

WATCH: College football player surprises stepdad with last name change

A son honored the man he considers to be his dad with a show of appreciation and love by legally taking his last name.

After George Andrew Grimwade, an offensive lineman for the Samford University football team, received an official letter confirming his legal name change to George Grimwade-Musto, he came up with an epic reveal to share the news with his stepfather.

"I decided to change my last name because my stepdad -- which sounds weird calling him my stepdad cause he's always been my dad to me -- he doesn't have anyone to carry on his last name," Grimwade-Musto said in a video posted by the athletic department. "He raised me ever since I was in second grade, and I feel like I owe it to him to carry on his last name."

When it came time for the big moment during Samford's family weekend, the offensive lineman jogged up to his stepdad, Michael Musto, on the sideline before taking the field.

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"You know how much I love you, right?" he said as he leaned in close. "And how I always treasure the time I have with you? Now you're my world; I got my last name changed," he added as he held up the court papers signed by a judge.

Samford University
Samford University football player George Andrew Grimwade changed his last name to honor his step-father George Grimwade Musto.

"I'm now George Grimwade-Musto -- look at my jersey," he said as he turned around to show off the name Musto above No. 76.

Grimwade-Musto reached out to hug Musto and said, "I love you so much, Dad."

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Through tears, Musto said, "You're my son," and hugged him again.

Grimwade-Musto, 22, also said in the video for his stepdad prior to their special moment, "You really do mean the world to me. Without you, I don't know who I am nor do I know where I'm at."

"I'm so happy that I can take on that last name with Mom and to really feel like I've become one with that family. I hope I treat it well," he said.

The newly renamed senior football star added, "When I have kids, hopefully they can carry on that last name."

"I just want his legacy to live forever, I don't want it to end with him," he said.