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May 14, 2024

Brother drives 17 hours to surprise sister at nursing school graduation

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A nursing student received the biggest surprise when her brother drove 17 hours to see her graduate from nursing school.

Kylei Gray's younger brother drove from Florida, where he attends college, to Hammond, Indiana, on May 2 for the milestone occasion, Gray told Storyful.

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Kylei Gray via Storyful
PHOTO: Kylei Gray’s younger brother drove 17 hours from Florida to Indiana to surprise her at her nursing school graduation.
Kylei Gray’s younger brother drove 17 hours from Florida to Indiana to surprise her at her nursing school graduation.

"This was finals week for him and we already knew he wasn't going to be able to make it," Gray said. "Last minute, his finals got rescheduled and when he finished his test on Wednesday he packed up his dorm room, headed home and surprised me."

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Gray shared a video of the surprise with Storyful and said it was recorded at her nurse pinning ceremony.

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According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, a nurse pinning ceremony marks the completion of a student's nursing education program and a student's initiation into the profession.