ABC News November 23, 2013

Prince Harry's Cheer Chilled by Antarctic Cold

WATCH: Prince Harry Lands in Antarctica

Prince Harry has arrived in Antarctica where he plans to take part in a charity race across the frozen continent to raise money for wounded veterans.

Although weather delayed the royal and his fellow teammates in South Africa for two days, Prince Harry arrived in Antarctica on Friday in time to prep for the race organized by the United Kingdom-based charity, Walking With the Wounded

Although the prince was heard exclaiming "Awesome!" after he exited his plane, his excitement appeared to quickly dissipate after being exposed to the harsh Antarctic temperatures.

"It's amazing how in six hours your morale can go from—it was pretty high, almost overflowing—and suddenly rock bottom," Prince Harry told reporters. "The weather forecast was supposedly all right but it seems to be getting worse."

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The royal is part of a team representing the United Kingdom. Other members include veterans who lost limbs in combat. The other teams involved are representing the United States and the Commonwealth nations.

To prep for the grueling 200 mile trek to the south pole, team members practiced camping in freezers and pulling heavy sleds. But there's no replacement for the real thing.

The teams will trek for 16 days through subfreezing temperatures to reach the finish line. The teams expect the race to be finished by Dec. 17, just in time for the holidays.

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