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Culture October 13, 2020

Pink's husband Carey Hart explains why he's teaching their children to shoot firearms

WATCH: Pink says her marriage wouldn’t have survived without couple’s therapy

Pink's husband Carey Hart is a firm believer in teaching firearms safety, which is why he is making sure both his young children know how to properly handle guns.

The former professional motocross competitor shared a slideshow of him taking his children, 9-year-old Willow and 3-year-old Jameson, to target practice.

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The training took place in an open field, where the children learned how to fire a rifle.

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"Fun morning shooting w/ my kids," Hart, 43, wrote Saturday. "Willz is getting seriously good w/ the rifle and handling of a firearm. And jamo absolutely loves shooting! And the rate that he is processing the handling of them, he makes me proud."

Beyond ensuring his children know how to handle a firearm, the athlete explained why he's introducing his children to the activity.

"I’m a firm believer in teaching my kids to shoot, but more importantly, handle a firearm," he noted, adding that his children were "plucking a steel target at 30 yards."

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While some concerned commentators worried that Hart was endangering his children, with the athlete remarking that he didn't ask for their opinion, others concurred that teaching kids firearms safety can prevent a tragedy from happening.

"My granddaughter is 3 if you ask her 'what’s the first rule of gun safety' her reply is 'treat every gun like it’s loaded,'" one follower replied, stressing that "education is key."

Other followers asked Hart, who has openly expressed his dislike of President Donald Trump, if he's concerned that voting Democrat is a vote against the right to bear arms. The motocross pro explained "no one is taking away the second amendment."

Biden's platform on firearms doesn't mention abolishing the Second Amendment, but focuses on ending gun violence by banning assault weapons and expanding background checks.