ABC News January 23, 2014

Justin Bieber Was Having a Great Day ... Until He Got Arrested for DUI

WATCH: Justin Bieber Gets Bail After DUI Arrest

"Just waking up, such a beautiful day ... so much to be thankful for," Khalil Amir Sharieff tweeted Wednesday morning, alongside a picture of the clear, blue Miami ocean.

Just a few hours later, Miami Beach police would arrest Sharieff and Justin Bieber for alleged drag racing and driving under the influence.

Aside from the arrest, Sharieff, an R&B singer who performs under the name Khalil, and Bieber were having a pretty great day in Miami.

Bieber, 19, started his day by posting a picture from the beach.

A few hours later, Bieber and Sharieff both posted pics and videos from Lil Wayne's Skate Park.

"Shout out to lil wayne for showin' love and opening up his park for us," Bieber posted on Instagram.

Before leaving the park, Bieber tagged a wall in the park "JB." Graffiti is a hobby Bieber has been very public about, posting pictures from his tour and even teaching Kelly Osbourne how to spray paint.

He also played basketball.

Finally, Sharieff posted a pic of him behind the wheel of the red Ferrari he was arrested in, saying "Miami nights ridin' thru yo city in that hot wheel." Before the duo hit the South Beach clubs, Sharieff also posted a pic of Bieber and model Chantel Jeffries in a yellow Lamborghini with the caption "U know bizzle brought that lambo out."

Shortly after, Sharieff tweeted "Just livin' life, blessed," mere hours before the two were arrested.

An onlooker said Bieber left SET, a high-end South Beach nightclub, after 2 a.m. SET often brings in top DJs to perform. Wednesday night's SET's theme was "Making Hip-Hop History."

When Miami Beach pulled the pop star over for speeding in a yellow Lamborghini a little after 4 a.m. and arrested him for DUI and drag racing, they said Bieber admitted to having beer, marijuana and prescription drugs in his system. The police said he failed a field sobriety test.

Police said the other alleged drag racer who was racing against Bieber in a red Ferrari was Sharieff.