Culture July 15, 2019

Lashana Lynch won’t be James Bond, but she may be a new ‘007’

WATCH: British actress Lashana Lynch rumored to be next 007 in upcoming James Bond film

First off, let's be clear: Reports are not saying Lashana Lynch will be the next James Bond. That's just silly as believing "Bond" is the agent's real name.

In the upcoming film, "Bond" will still be played by Daniel Craig.

But Lynch is reportedly set to make a name for herself in a very different way. Remember, however, these are just rumors and reports, and while the film is still in production, no one has yet to see it aside from the cast and crew. ABC News' request for comment from the studio was not immediately returned.

(MORE: Daniel Craig, ‘Bond 25' cast ‘massively' excited to return for the newest film)

Even so, here are five things to know about the remarkable 31-year-old actress.

1 - She may be the next "007"

While Craig will still play "Bond," Mail on Sunday reports that in the upcoming film, his Bond has retired since the events of the last movie.

When he is brought in for that classic "one last mission," he is surprised to see the new secret agent using the 007 code is a character played by Lynch, according to the report.

This looks to be shaping up as a team-up between the younger, more modern agent -- one that stands for equality and change -- and the older, aging Bond -- the icon, the legend... with a cinematic history of questionable morals, especially as it concerns the treatment of women.

Should this be the plan for the movie, it will be a jaw-dropping moment in cinematic history.

2 - She's already an American hero (ignoring the whole British thing)

Lynch recently played Maria Rambeau in the 2019 smash hit "Captain Marvel." While Rambeau is Carol Danvers' friend from the Air Force and fellow fighter pilot, she's also mom to one of the current Captain Marvels in the comics.

Monica Rambeau, the character's daughter, was even asked to lead the Avengers at one point. You got to see her as an adorable kid in the film.

So, she played an American hero and a superhero's mentor -- that's a wow moment in itself.

3 - She's a British actress who has been acting for over a decade

Starting her career back in 2007, Lynch most recently has been a major player on British TV.

In the show, "Still Star-Crossed," she played Rosaline Capulet -- and if that name sounds familiar, it's because the series is a period story picking up from where the iconic "Romeo and Juliet" plotline leaves off.

(MORE: Oscar-winner Rami Malek on being the next James Bond villain)

Rosaline was the girl Romeo was heartbroken over at the start of the Shakespeare play, for all those "Jeopardy!" fans out there.

4 - She is a fashion icon in the making

All you have to do is take a look at Lynch's social media to see this woman has epic taste.

Like this bold look. #stunning

And this fabulous gown.

5 - Fans are sure excited about Lynch, no matter what

Both women and men know they are only reports, but are excited nonetheless.

Author Nancy Wang Yuen tweeted, "Wow. Lashana Lynch is the next 007. She's not playing Bond, but will take over the code name. Brava, Phoebe Waller-Bridge for ushering in a new era where WoC can lead a spy series."

Critic Richard Newby added, "I haven't seen anyone on my feed get mad about Lashana Lynch taking over Bond's 007 number, which means I'm following the right people."

And one fan used a meme to express the excitement.

"Tired: casting more white men in 007 roles. Wired: casting Idris Elba or another male actor of colour in 007 roles. Inspired: casting Lashana Lynch, a black female actor, as a 007," she wrote.

We'll have to wait and see what happens, but the next Bond film is sure to be one wild, inspiring ride.

This is the first Bond film since "Spectre" four years ago and is expected to be released sometime next year.