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January 6, 2019

Golden Globes winner Regina King vows to hire 50 percent women for her projects, urges others to follow

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Golden Globes winner Regina King said she would hire more women for projects she produces in the next two years and challenged leaders in Hollywood and other industries to follow her lead.

"Times up times two," King said as she won for best movie performance by an actress in a supporting role for "If Beale Street Could Talk."

(Check out what the stars wore at the 2019 Golden Globes)

"We understand that our microphones are big and we're speaking for everyone," King told her fellow filmmakers in her acceptance speech.

"I'm going to use my platform right now to say everything I produce is 50 percent women," she said. "And I just challenge anyone out there ... anyone in a position of power, to do the same."

(MORE: Golden Globes 2019: Complete winners list)