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ABC News October 8, 2014

'Ghostbusters 3' to Star 'Hilarious Women,' Says Director Paul Feig

WATCH: 'Ghostbusters' Sequel to Feature Female Cast

"It's official," said "Ghostbuster 3" director Paul Feig.

"I'm making a new Ghostbusters & writing it with @katiedippold & yes, it will star hilarious women. That's who I'm gonna call," he tweeted today.

Bill Murray Reveals Who He'd Cast for All-Women 'Ghostbusters 3'

The news comes weeks after speculation that the new movie would be an all-women cast.

Bill Murray, the star of the first two "Ghostbuster" films, even dared to say who he'd like in the new film -- though it hasn't been cast yet.

"Melissa [McCarthy] would be a spectacular Ghostbuster. And Kristen Wiig is so funny -- God, she’s funny!" he told the Toronto Star in early September.

"I like this girl Linda Cardellini a lot. And Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there," Murray said.