ABC News July 24, 2017

'Game of Thrones' recap: What happened in 'Stormborn'

WATCH: 'Game of Thrones' cast talks season 7 storylines, battle scene

On season 7, episode 2 of "Game of Thrones," Daenerys, Cersei and Jon Snow confer with their respective allies, Samwell Tarly tries to help Jorah Mormont out of a scaly situation, Arya meets up with a couple of long-lost friends, and Yara and Theon Greyjoy have a not-so-friendly reunion with their uncle Euron. We begin on a dark and stormy night on Dragonstone …

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Dragonstone Daenerys Targaryen meets with her advisers, Tyrion and Varys, on a very rainy evening to discuss plans for the conquest of Westeros. She thanks Varys for helping secure Dorne and House Tyrell as allies but turns on him, questioning his trustworthiness, considering that he previously served as an adviser to other kings, including her family's usurper, Robert Baratheon. Varys explains that his main concern is what's best for the people of Westeros, assuring her that he believes she'll serve them better than any other ruler he has known. She has him swear he'll never conspire behind her back, and she swears to him that if he ever betrays her, she'll burn him alive.

Melisandre then shows up at Dragonstone. The red priestess tells Daenerys about the prophecy of "the prince who was promised" — the hero who will bring an end to "the long night." Melisandre says she believes Daenerys has a role to play in fulfilling the prophecy, as does Jon, whom she suggests Dany summon to Dragonstone to tell her about the ominous happenings north of the Wall. Tyrion tells Daenerys that he trusts Jon and thinks he would be an important ally against Cersei. Daenerys asks Tyrion to send a raven inviting Jon to come to Dragonstone and to "bend the knee."

Daenerys then meets with Ellaria Sand of Dorne, Olenna Tyrell and Yara Greyjoy to discuss strategies for taking King's Landing. Tyrion says the forces of the Ironborn, Dorne and House Tyrell will lay siege to King's Landing while Grey Worm's Unsullied attack House Lannister's seat, Casterly Rock.

After the meeting, Daenerys chats privately with Olenna Tyrell, who tells Daenerys that the lords of Westeros are sheep and she is a dragon, so she should act like one.

As Grey Worm prepares to leave for Casterly Rock, Missandei visits him in his room to say goodbye. He tells her that it's hard for him to say goodbye to her because she is his "weakness." Soon the two kiss, and then Missandei disrobes and begins to undress Grey Worm, although he initially stops her because he's apprehensive about her seeing him naked, as he's a eunuch. They then make love.

Winterfell Jon receives Tyrion's invitation to Dragonstone, and he, Sansa and Davos discuss whether it's wise for Jon to travel to meet with Daenerys. Sansa says it's too dangerous, while Davos points out that Daenerys' dragons would be powerful weapons against the undead army north of the Wall.

Jon then receives a message via raven from Samwell Tarly, informing him about the mountain of dragonglass beneath Dragonstone. Jon assembles the lords of the North to inform them about Sam's and Tyrion's messages and tells them he has decided to go to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys. Although his allies, including Sansa, protest, Jon insists he must go and tells Sansa that she will rule Winterfell in his absence.

Jon then visits the Stark crypt beneath Winterfell, where he's approached by Littlefinger, who points out that Jon never thanked him for his important role in defeating the Boltons. He also tells Jon that he loves Sansa. Jon attacks Littlefinger, grabbing his throat and shouting, "Touch my sister, and I'll kill you myself."

King's Landing On the Iron Throne, Cersei tries rallying the lords of Westeros to ally with her against Daenerys. She depicts Daenerys' army as brutal savages and reminds the lords how horrible Dany's father, the Mad King, was. Jaime Lannister, meanwhile, tries to secure the support of Lord Randyll Tarly — Sam's dad and a bannerman of House Tyrell — by asking him to serve as his ranking general and promising him the position of warden of the South after the war.

Cersei visits catacombs beneath the Red Keep with Qyburn, who shows her a weapon he says can kill Daenerys' dragons — a giant crossbow. He has Cersei shoot one of the weapon's arrows at a the skull of the huge dragon Balerion. The arrow pierces deep into the giant skull.

The Citadel Jorah Mormont, whose greyscale now covers most of his upper body, is being examined by Archmaester Ebrose, while Samwell looks on. Ebrose tells Jorah that he may live another 10 or 20 years with the disease but it will start affecting his mind within six months. Ebrose says Jorah will have to be shipped off to Valyria the next day to live out his life with others with the affliction. Sam learns Jorah's name and realizes he is the son of Jeor Mormont, Sam's late Night's Watch commander.

Sam discovers a treatment for greyscale, but Ebrose tells him the treatment is too dangerous and has been banned. Ignoring him, Sam secretly visits Jorah in his room and begins attempting the painful procedure, which involves cutting away the affected skin.

In the woods Arya is sitting in a pub, where she is reunited with Hot Pie, an erstwhile adversary from King's Landing. He asks her where she's heading, and she says Kings Landing. He says he thought she would be heading home to Winterfell, but Arya asks why would she want to go there, since the Boltons rule it. Hot Pie informs her that the Boltons were defeated by Jon, who is now king in the North. Arya quickly says goodbye to her friend, gets on her horse and heads to Winterfell.

While in the woods, Arya is surrounded by a pack of wolves, including a huge direwolf. She recognizes the massive wolf as her old pet, Nymeria, which she drove off into to woods in season 1 to save it from being killed by the Lannisters. She asks the direwolf to head home with her to Winterfell, but the animal turns away and walks back into the woods with her pack.

On the Narrow Sea Yara Greyjoy and her Iron Fleet have aboard Ellaria Sand and Oberyn's daughters — Obara, Tyene and Nymeria. The sisters, aka the Sand Snakes, discuss whom they will kill when they attack King's Landing. Ellaria flirts with Yara, taunting her brother, Theon. Yara tells Ellaria to leave Theon alone.

Before the two women can get more intimate, the ship comes under attack. It's Euron, the king of the Iron Islands, and his own powerful fleet. A vicious battle ensues aboard Yara's ship, during which he kills Obara and Nymeria while his men take Ellaria and Tyene captive. Eventually, Euron and Yara square off while Theon fights nearby. Holding an ax to Yara's throat, Euron calls out to Theon and challenges him to save his sister. Instead, Theon drops his sword and jumps overboard to save himself.